Ian Pullen

How Ronaldus Magnus turned the hearts of even his most bitter arch enemies & haters

The book I am currently reading is called:

“Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One”

It’s easily one of my all-time favorite bios so far.

I have been studying Limbaugh’s ways for years — and there is no doubt his method of persuasion was pure, unadulterated, and “uncut” infotainment.

His entire media empire was built upon it.

And his ability to sway elections and national discourse was based upon it.

When it comes to this skill, understand it ain’t just some bright shiny object. It’s a long, but distinguished way of using persuasive communication to get what you want from people — whether it’s a nation-wide audience, your email list, the affection of a woman you like, or, as smart politicians have learned… votes.

Take Ronald Reagan, for example.

Or as Rush called him:

“Ronaldus Magnus”

No president besides maybe Trump was as entertaining as Reagan.

This guy was almost supernaturally good at it.

Like, for example, when he was giving a speech and loud balloon popped, he paused without missing a beat and said, “missed me” then continued with his speech. Or when he was shot and wheeled into the hospital and he told the doctor he hoped he wasn’t a democrat, etc.

Guy was a true natural, with or without a script.

This included getting his way with hardcore democrats in congress.

Even the really nasty commie ones.

In fact, I once read a book about comedy writing (can’t remember the author or title) where it talked about how, psychologically and emotionally… it’s virtually impossible to be truly mad or angry with someone who is making you laugh.

Any man who is married knows this is true.

Want to thaw your woman out when she’s angry (justified or just in a bad mood)?

Make her laugh or even just smile.

The piano scene in the movie “Corpse Bride” very accurately depicts how this works when the guy tells the corpse he accidentally married (it’s a Tim Burton movie, what do you expect? Normalcy?) he can’t marry her and wouldn’t marry her, breaking her non-beating heart. As she pouts, he starts playing a piano tune next to her… which she loves… and she tries to stay mad at him… but can’t.

That’s just how it works.

Make people smile… and even your haters can’t really hate you.

That is, if they have a soul, at least.

Something certain haters & troll obviously don’t have.

So I ain’t talking about them, nor emotionally damaged types.


It was, of course, the same with Rush, too.

The book was written by a journalist who didn’t agree with a word Rush said about anything. Nor did any of his colleagues. But he noted how many journalists and people who hated Rush’s worldview still personally like the guy due to his entertaining ways.

All of which brings me to the punchline:

The July Email Players issue.

It’s all about infotainment.

i.e., combining information with entertainment.

Infotainment is like adding a “laugh track” to your marketing.

Comedian Owen Benjamin once did a livestream showing the infamous Soup Nazi Seinfeld episode (arguably the most beloved and popular and funniest episode of the show’s 9-year run) without the laugh track.

The result?



It’s just gloomy, nihilistic, and boring to watch.

But with the laugh track?

It’s comedic gold.

That’s what infotainment can do to your marketing:

Give those boring, black & white content and ideas and dry, droning lectures a laugh track. The results of which is like a one-two punch of persuasion you can apply to virtually any kind of situation where you want to influence someone to do something you want — including in your emails or other marketing to buy from you. This July issue covers some more potent ways to do it not even included in my Infotainment Jackpot book.

You don’t need that book to use this issue though.

It can work for your business just fine on its own.

That is, if you subscribe in time to get it.

Deadline is later today when I send the list to the printer.

After that?

Too bad for you.

To subscribe while you still have a little time left, go here immediately:


Ben Settle